The Promised Land - Photograph Pages


The Promised Land - Photograph Pages




Elaine Y. Eaddy


The promised land: the James Eaddy family in South Carolina


The Promised Land Photo Pages.pdf



Elaine Y. Eaddy, “The Promised Land - Photograph Pages,” Johnsonville SC History, accessed May 8, 2024,

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Hello.  My wife, Donna Marie Hyman Jones is directly related to the Eaddy's through the Hyman family.  We would love to purchase a copy of The Promised Land.  I see you have it in pdf format which is fine with us.  Can you help us with that?

Actually we would want to purchase the complete book.  Thank you

John Jones


Hi John, 

Sorry I didn't see this comment before now.  All of the old Three Rivers Historical Society publications have moved to the Darlingington Historical Commission and Museum.  They are currently completing work on their new museum space so their documents aren't immediatetly available for purchase, but I just spoke to the director and he told me The Promised Land and other books will be available for purchase again after their grand opening in November. Here's the link to the website. They can answer all your questions regarding available titles: 

Cindy Sanders

how can I get a copy of this book?

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