Johnsonville SC History

Browse Items (25 total)

  • Elizabeth Scott 1956 Vox JS Altman Home.jpg

    Elizabeth "Lizzie Beth" Session Scott (1888-1979) was a daughter of March and Anzie Session. Born in Williamsburg County, SC, she married Willie Scott. She cooked for the Julius Spiers and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman and their family for nearly 70 years.
  • German Prosser and family.jpg

    From the album of William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser. Pictured:
    Front L-R: Richard "Rich" Prosser, Johnnie Matthew Wise, Linnie Elmira Hanna Belflower, William German Prosser.
    Behind the front L-R are: Pearline Keefe Prosser, William Albert "W.A." Lyerly, Lennie Wise Prosser, Harriet Linnie Page, Angie Keefe Wise.
  • Ocean Forest Hotel Marine Patio.jpg

    Tom McCutchen remembers:
    The Ocean Forest Hotel has long been torn down but it was magnificent.
    My parents were wonderful dance partners and went there to dance in one of the ballrooms after they were married on a few special occasions. I remember them taking me to Myrtle Beach in the summer of 1960. At the time, we lived in West Virginia. It had an impressive presence as you approached from Kings Highway US 17 with an enormous roundabout and the bellman would open the car doors and direct everyone into the lobby. For a youngster, it really was a special treat!
    Mr. Dexter Stuckey and a business partner bought the property in 1973.
  • Pearline (Pearle) Keefe Prosser Obit.pdf
  • Francis Marion Academy.pdf

    A yearbook showing the students and faculty of Francis Marion Academy in Hemingway, for the 1967-1968 school year.
  • Connie Owens Hanna and Roger Hanna.jpeg

    Connie Owens Hanna holding Roger Hanna. Connie was the first wife of Henry Lewis Hanna.
    Photo from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album.
  • JS and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman 1955 family photo at 50th wedding anniversary (1).jpg

    This photo was taken at the 50th wedding anniversary of Julius Spiers Altman and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman. Family members are numbered and identified below:
    1. Monlen Anne Clemmer
    2. Stephen Mayo "Steve" Altman
    3. Danny Ray "Mack" Altman
    4. Jerry Lyn Altman
    5. Robin Bonita Altman
    6. Grace Lanette White Altman
    7. Frankie Jeanette "Jean" Altman
    8 .Darylene Hanna Altman
    9. Marguerite Church Altman
    10. Elizabeth "Lizzie Beth" Session Scott
    11. Lena Belle Altman Clemmer
    12. Thurman Altman
    13. Franklin Eldridge Altman, Sr.
    14. Sweeney Lee Altman
    15. Mayo Altman
    16. Thomas C. McCutchen, Sr.
    17. Laris Alex Altman
    18. Hessie Mae Hanna Altman
    19. Willie "Billie" Parks Altman Swenson
    20. Fred William "Billy" Griffis
    21. Willia "Bongie" Altman McCutchen
    22. Julius Spiers Altman
    23. Lillie Belle Prosser Altman
    24. Julia Elizabeth Altman
    25. Phontella "Bink" Altman Griffis
    26. Franklin Eldridge "Junior" Altman, Jr.
    27. James Spivey "Pomp" Altman
    28. Ardith Day Altman
  • Lillian Camillia Cox Prosser.jpg

    Lillian Camillia Cox Prosser, wife of Eldridge Franklin “E.F.” Prosser and mother of Lillie Belle Prosser Altman. The photo was taken at their home in Vox.
    From the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser photo album.
  • Eldrige Franklin (E.F.) Prosser Photo.jpeg

    Eldridge Franklin "E.F." Prosser.
    From the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album
  • JS & Lillie Belle P. Altman children copy - Front L-R  Franklin Eldridge Altman, Julia Elizabeth Altman and Lena Belle Altman Clemmer-McGoury Back L-R Thurman Altman and Laries Altman.jpg

    Five of Julius Spiers and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman's children.
    Front L-R: Franklin Eldridge Altman, Julia Elizabeth Altman and Lena Belle Altman,
    Back L-R: Thurman Altman and Laries Alex Altman.
    Photo taken circa 1920.
  • Jerome Altman.jpg

    Asbury Jerome "Rome" Altman. He was a son of Daniel Webster (D.W.) and Margaret Elizabeth (M.E.) Stone Altman and a brother of Julius Spiers Altman and Nekota Laharp Altman Hanna.
  • William German (W. G.) Prosser Home.jpg

    William German (W.G.) Prosser's home on Pine Street in Johnsonville, photo taken circa 1915.
    Note that like most yards at the time did not have a grassy lawn, just swept dirt.
    Photos from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album.
  • William German ( W. G.) Prosser.jpg

    William German Prosser
    Photo from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album.
  • Richard _ Rich_ Prosser.jpg

    Richard " Rich" Prosser was a son of Eldridge Franklin (E.F.) and Lillian Camillia Cox Prosser.
    Photo from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album
  • William German (W. G.) and Pearline.jpg

    Pearline Keefe Prosser and William German Prosser.
    Photo from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser Photo Album.
  • Sallie Bertha Keefe Lyerly Hanna - married William Bailey Lyerly then Nickolas Bernard Hanna .jpg

    Sally Bertha Keefe Lyerly Hanna (1898-1938) - married William Bailey Lyerly then Nickolas Bernard Hanna.
    Photo from the William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser photo album.
  • copy - LB, Marie & German 1897 at E.F. Prosser Vox Home.jpg

    This 1897 photograph shows siblings William German Prosser (1890-1979), Marie Prosser(1893-1972) and Lillie Belle Prosser (1887-1971). They are pictured at the Vox home of their parents Eldridge Franklin "E. F." Prosser (1869-1956) and Lillian Camillia Cox Prosser (1867-1934).
  • Henry Lewis Hanna in Naval Uniform.jpeg

    Henry Lewis Hanna in his WWII Naval uniform from William German and Pearline Keefe Prosser's album. Connie Owens Hanna was his first wife.
  • Chives Prosser.jpg

    Chives Prosser (1899-1982), was a son of Eldridge Franklin and Lillian Camillia Cox Prosser.

    Chives was postmaster at Johnsonville from 1920-1925. He then owned and operated the Prosser Theater in Johnsonville since its inception in 1925, when silent films were king. A September 1930 News and Courier article noted that the Prosser Theater had contracted with RCA Photophone to purchase a "talkie outfit" with plans to reopen that October with sound accompanying the films.

    This original theater was located on the south side of Broadway Street, next door to where Jakes Barbeque is today. A fire in the film booth burned the first Prosser Theater to the ground in 1937. An alarm in the building allowed the public to exit without incident, but a collapsing wall injured two men in Chapman's Hardware Store next door, which was also destroyed. Walter E Wall and Loyes McCallister were both hospitalized after the blaze.

    The theater was rebuilt across the street from the original location and named his theater the "New Theater." It stood guard over the NE corner of Broadway and Bellview Avenue until it too was claimed by fire in 1977. The theater had ceased operations for about 13 years at that point.

    Prosser was first marred to Ira Mae Brown (1902-1960). Their children were Elizabeth Prosser Roberts and Barbara Ann Prosser Powell. He later married Mildred Athlene Hopper (1915-1984).

    In addition to the theater, Prosser also served as mayor of Johnsonville and chartered the Johnsonville State Bank. He owned and operated the Johnsonville Ice and Fuel Company, and he served as a rural postman for 20 years during the early years of the movie theater ownership.

    Chives Prosser owned the land on Possum Fork Road that became Prosser Field, a baseball complex which still serves the community. Even today, the league bears his name - “Prosser Field Youth Organization.”
  • Julius S Altman 1938 Voter Registration.jpg

    Voter registration cards for Julius Spiers Altman and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman
  • William German & Pearline Keefe Prosser c1940 Car.jpeg

    William German & Pearline Keefe Prosser, circa 1935. Taken on Pine Street. The house in the back was E. F. Prosser’s home on Pine Street. He originally lived in Vox but moved to Johnsonville circa 1913.
  • Richard  & Lennie Wise Prosser with 1925 Model T - they founded Prossers Dept Store.jpg

    Richard “Rich” & Lennie Wise Prosser pose here with a 1925 Model T Ford. Rich and Lennie founded Prosser’s Department Store on Broadway Street in Johnsonville. Photo taken circa 1937.
  • Willia _Bongie_ Altman McCutchen 1954 Engagement Photo 2.jpg

    Willia "Bongie" Altman McCutchen (1928-2010) was a daughter of Julius Spiers Altman and Lillie Belle Prosser Altman. She is pictured here in 1954.
  • Broadway Street circa 1980 Looking Eastward.jpg

    This image, taken circa 1980, looks across the railroad tracks toward Nettles IGA and the outbuildings fronting Broadway Street. These brick buildings replaced an older cafe called Poston Lunch on the same site. Cortez Cox was a long-time tenant and ran Cox Barber Shop here for many years.
  • Prosser's Dept Store circa 1980.jpg

    These photographs show the block around Prosser's Department Store on Broadway Street in Johnsonville, including the buildings that housed Friendly Dry Goods and Shop N Save. To the left in the cross-street photo is the building built as the new Johnsonville State Bank. It later became City Hall and now houses the Magistrate's Offices.
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