Johnsonville SC History

Browse Items (18 total)

  • Cooperative Attitudes Aid Johnsonville's Big Growth - 1956.pdf

    Story of Johnsonville's recent growth due to Wellman, plus article about new church, Westside Free Will Baptist
  • Johnsonville-Hemingway Crew Building Shaw Airforce Base.jpg
  • Supreme Chic N' Burgers.jpg

    The present business was opened by businessmen Billy King and John Taylor as “The Chick Supreme.” Macky DeCamps owns the building. The business is now run by sisters Carolyn Palumbo, Lavonia Olsen and Dixie Evans.
  • Ritz Theater - Broadway - owned by Chevis Prosser.jpg

    The Johnsonville Theatre was owned by Chevis Prosser and located on Broadway. It ceased operations around 1964 and burned in May of 1977. The burnt building was torn down on May 12, 1977.
  • Radio Shack Johnsonville Hardware 1983.jpg
  • Johnsonville officials Odell Venters on right.jpg

    Standing L to R: Eugene Newell, Police Chief Lurie Poston, unknown, and Alfred "Bubba" Haselden. Sitting L to R: H.M. Feagin, David Marsh Sr., Andrew James Cox, Mayor Odell Venters.
  • JHS Class of 1952.jpg
  • JHS Class of 1951.jpg
  • JHS cheerleaders late 1970s - Mona Lawrimore McDaniel, Staci Crocker Lyerly, Lyn McDaniel Bachelor, Sheila Davis Weaver, Gail Bachelor Weaver, Bonnie Prosser, Paula Ammons Alford, Renee Willis Sanders, and Audrey McDan.jpg

    Pictured: Mona Lawrimore McDaniel, Staci Crocker Lyerly, Lyn McDaniel Bachelor, Sheila Davis Weaver, Gail Bachelor Weaver, Bonnie Prosser, Paula Ammons Alford, Renee Willis Sanders, and Audrey McDaniel
  • Friendly Dry Goods - Broadway.jpg
  • Fire Truck.jpg
  • Fire Department - 1984.jpg
  • Christmas Parade 1950 - Carl Godwin, Hardee Godwin, Randell Godwin.jpg

    Pictured: Carl Godwin, Hardee Godwin, Randell Godwin
  • Rosa Belle Eaddy Woodberry Dickson.jpg

    Rosa Belle Eaddy Woodberry Dickson (1869-1953) was the first female mayor in South Carolina history..

    She was a role model of the independent female who lived in
    the area of Johnsonville, South Carolina area between 1868 and 1953. She
    was a truly a person of exceptional ability and especially so for the
    time in which she lived. This multi-talented woman chose to be a school
    teacher and thus became another of the Eaddy family to make her most
    valuable contribution in development of the youth of her community.

    Rosa Belle Eaddy was a principal, teacher, pianist, music director, and
    reformer at Old Johnsonville. The school was located between Hemingway
    and Johnsonville, South Carolina. She held radical views for her time
    and place and once created an uproar over the use of the community water
    dipper commonly used in the schools of that era. This was a practice
    followed by families at home and difficult to oppose publicly. She had
    each child to furnish his own drinking vessel to counteract the spread of
    water borne diseases. Time has proved her correct and added to the
    respect held for her by those who knew her.

    Rosa Belle Eaddy was a strong and forceful woman who was profoundly
    respected in her community and church. She was reported to be a dramatic
    teacher who could leave a lasting impression on here students in the
    public school as well as the Sunday school classes. Among her practical
    skills were those of carpentry used to build her own house and she shoed
    her own horses. She was elected as Mayor of Johnsonville in 1925, becoming
    the first woman mayor in South Carolina. In this office, she readily
    exercised her authority to arrest persons found violating the law.

    Rosa Belle Eaddy first married Wattie Gamewell Woodberry with whom she had four sons and one daughter. Two of of her sons graduated from the U. S. Military Academy, and both were inventors of and holders of numerous patents. After the death of her first husband, she married R.B.W. "Willie" Dickson. No children were born to this marriage.

    At the age of 85 years, she died in Lynchburg, South Carolina and was
    survived by three of her sons: Brigadier General John Henry Woodberry of
    Greenville, South Carolina; Clarence Oswell Woodberry of Poston, near
    Johnsonville, South Carolina; and Lieutenant Colonel David Lemuel
    Woodberry, I. of St. Petersburg, Virginia.

    One brother, John Mallard Eaddy of Spartanburg, South Carolina survived her passing.
  • Johnsonville Drug Company 1920, druggist Ashby McElveen.jpg

    This photo was taken in front of the Johnsonville Drug Company, circa 1920. The man pictured is Ashby McElveen, a druggist at the pharmacy - the girl is currently unknown. He was from Lake City. Ashby purchased a Drug Store in Sumter, SC in 1923 and remained there the rest of his life. His brother Robbie McElveen worked for the Farmers and Merchant Bank in Johnsonville and married a local girl named Cornelia Cockfield. They moved to Lake City after marrying in the early 1920's. This photo was provided by Ashby's grandson, Wilson McElveen. You can make out some of the old buildings on Broadway in the background.
  • Thomas R Grier (1).jpg

    Thomas Rothmahler Grier (1817-1883) and his wife, Margaret Ann Johnson Grier (1823-1891). Thomas was a magistrate and was known as "The Squire." He owned a plantation near Lynches River given by Margaret Johnson's father William J. Johnson, who founded Johnsonville.

    The Johnson plantation was a part of the original grant to John James. William Johnson, Sr. had bought a part of the grant from the heirs of John James. He also purchased a portion of the land granted to the Witherspoons. It was part of the Witherspoon grant that was given to Margaret Johnson Grier.

    Margaret was the daughter of Captain William J. Johnson (1787-1851) and Sarah Crosby Johnson (1790-1867). Thomas Grier was the son of James Marion Grier (1780-1827) and Elizabeth W Covan (1800-1873).

    Elizabeth Covan Grier later married a second time to Thomas Duke. She is buried along side Thomas and Margaret Grier at the Grier Cemetery in Johnsonville.

    The children of Thomas and Margaret Johnson Grier are:
    Sarah Grier (1844–1900) m. William Melvin Haselden
    William James Grier (1848–1917) m. Celia Graves Johnson
    Julia Ann Grier (1850–1900) m. Franklin Evander Hanna
    Thomas Mitchell Grier (1854–1877)
    Judith Crosby Grier (1857–1938) m. Zachary Taylor Eaddy
  • 12622525_10101449968618274_8911092508503814828_o.jpg

    This 1960s era photograph depicts several Broadway Street businesses of the time, including Prosser's Department Store and the old Gulf station. The blue pickup was a 1958 or 1959 Chevy that belonged to David Poston. It is parked in front of the hardware store. The car behind it was Mrs Doris Caraway's yellow and white 1958 Ford. The third car was Mr Moss Daniels Ford from the early 1950's. The convertible's owner is unknown.
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